AMPro Engineering Designer

Username: Ampro_Engineering
3D Printing since: December 2007
AMPro Engineering has been designing and upgrading RC Cars (and assorted full-size car, home and toy parts) since 2007. These designs can vary from stock replacement parts on a Nikko manufactured in 1982 to complete assemblies designed for Traxxas, Tamiya & RC4WD. Some of our designs require ver
AMPro Engineering has been designing and upgrading RC Cars (and assorted full-size car, home and toy parts) since 2007. These designs can vary from stock replacement parts on a Nikko manufactured in 1982 to complete assemblies designed for Traxxas, Tamiya & RC4WD. Some of our designs require very detailed printers with incredible accuracy while others are very large and cost a fortune to print using various services. We are very happy to allow interested parties access to parts that can easily be printed on home machines. This will help us to no longer be constrained to part size due to cost. The sky (or print bed z-height) is the limit now!
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