3dörtgen Designer

Username: 3dortgen
3D Printing since: June 2013
3dörtgen is the first concept 3D printer store and cafe in the world since September 2013. It is not only a space but also a sales partner of worldwide 3D printer, scanner and filament brands like Ultimaker, Raise3D and BCN3D.

In 3dörtgen people can buy a 3D printer, get a 3D print of their design,
3dörtgen is the first concept 3D printer store and cafe in the world since September 2013. It is not only a space but also a sales partner of worldwide 3D printer, scanner and filament brands like Ultimaker, Raise3D and BCN3D.

In 3dörtgen people can buy a 3D printer, get a 3D print of their design, get scanned, learn what 3D printing is while having their coffee!
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