Wyvern & Kong Team Set / Forest Guard / Jungle Drake & Primate Ape / Giant Gorilla Monkey & Winged Reptile / Ancient Magical Beast / Draconic Army / Woods & Swamp Encounter

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Published 2023-05-19T15:44:27+00:00

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    $19.90 Wyvern & Kong Team Set / Forest Guard / Jungle Drake & Primate Ape / Giant Gorilla Monkey & Winged Reptile / Ancient Magical Beast / Draconic Army / Woods & Swamp Encounter

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-05-19T15:44:27+00:00



    6,945 objects

    Add Files To Cart $19.90
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    3 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 19/05/2023
    Price $19.90
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Pre-Supported - 1026 - Wood Wyvern (Large).zip 96 MB
    1028 - Wood Wyvern Flying (Large).zip 47 MB
    1027 - Wood Wyvern Attacking (Large).zip 96 MB
    Pre-Supported - 1028 - Wood Wyvern Flying (Large).zip 138 MB
    Pre-Supported - 1027 - Wood Wyvern Attacking (Large).zip 90 MB
    1026 - Wood Wyvern (Large).zip 52 MB
    1020 - Jungle Kong Walking - 6 Variations (Huge).zip 1 GB
    Pre-Supported - 1019 - Jungle Kong - 2 Variations (Huge).zip 181 MB
    Pre-Supported - 1020 - Jungle Kong Walking - 6 Variations (Huge).zip 159 MB
    Pre-Supported - 1021 - Jungle Kong Attacking - 2 Variations (Huge).zip 256 MB
    1019 - Jungle Kong - 2 Variations (Huge).zip 418 MB
    1021 - Jungle Kong Attacking - 2 Variations (Huge).zip 576 MB