Weapons Pack

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Published 2022-09-30T09:36:17+00:00

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    $9.00 Weapons Pack

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2022-09-30T09:36:17+00:00

    Reconquer Designs

    @Reconquer Designs

    250 objects

    Add Files To Cart $9.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    68 2 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 30/09/2022
    Price $9.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    11Th C Lance.stl 391 KB
    Axe.stl 2 MB
    Christian Sword 1.Stl 560 KB
    Christian Sword 2.Stl 2 MB
    Christian Sword 3.Stl 2 MB
    Christian Sword 4.Stl 593 KB
    Dane Axe 1.Stl
    Dane Axe.stl 390 KB
    Early Spanish Glaive 1 1.Stl
    Early Spanish Glaive 1.Stl 383 KB
    Early Spanish Glaive 2 1.Stl
    Early Spanish Glaive 2.Stl 17 MB
    Early Spanish Glaive 3 1.Stl
    Early Spanish Glaive 3.Stl 391 KB
    Early Spanish Glaive 4 1.Stl
    Early Spanish Glaive 4.Stl 390 KB
    Iberian Axe.stl 8 MB
    Iberian Mace.stl 2 MB
    Lance Head.stl 391 KB
    Mace 2.Stl 2 MB
    Mace 3.Stl 634 KB
    Moorish Sword.stl 596 KB
    Repaired Supported Early Spanish Glaive 2 1.Stl
    Supported 11Th C Lance.stl 2 MB
    Supported Axe.stl 2 MB
    Supported Christian Sword 1.Stl 390 KB
    Supported Christian Sword 2.Stl 2 MB
    Supported Christian Sword 3.Stl 2 MB
    Supported Christian Sword 4.Stl 391 KB
    Supported Dane Axe 1.Stl
    Supported Dane Axe.stl 2 MB
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 1 1.Stl
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 1.Stl 704 KB
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 2.Stl 17 MB
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 3 1.Stl
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 3.Stl 776 KB
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 4 1.Stl
    Supported Early Spanish Glaive 4.Stl 717 KB
    Supported Iberian Axe.stl 8 MB
    Supported Iberian Mace.stl 2 MB
    Supported Lance Head.stl 526 KB
    Supported Mace 2.Stl 2 MB
    Supported Mace 3.Stl 390 KB
    Supported Moorish Sword.stl 390 KB
    Wing Tipped Lance Head Supported.stl 557 KB
    Wing Tipped Lance Head.stl 429 KB
    Wing Tipped Lance Supported.stl 1 MB
    Wing Tipped Lance.stl 390 KB