-Sunrise Castle Assault- Outside Walls

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Published 2023-03-07T09:50:31+00:00

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    $30.00 -Sunrise Castle Assault- Outside Walls

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-03-07T09:50:31+00:00



    4 objects

    Add Files To Cart $30.00
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    92% goes to the Creator
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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 07/03/2023
    Price $30.00
    Dimensions 150x140x120
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Outside Walls Building Exterior Wall Outside Wall Building Base 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Building Exterior Wall Outside Wall Building Mid 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Building Exterior Wall Outside Wall Building Mid 002.Obj
    Outside Walls Building Exterior Wall Outside Wall Building Top 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Building Exterior Wall Outside Wall Building Top 002.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Debris 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Door Botom L 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Door Botom R 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Door Top L 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Door Top R 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Iner Corner 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Outer Corner 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Stairs 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Stairs 002.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Till 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Outside Wall Till Damaged 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Tower Tower Outside Wall Bottom 001.Obj
    Outside Walls Tower Tower Outside Wall Roof 001.Obj