Space Communist Human Auxiliaries - Battlesuits

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Published 2022-02-11T09:36:53+00:00

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    $5.00 Space Communist Human Auxiliaries - Battlesuits

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2022-02-11T09:36:53+00:00



    81 objects

    Add Files To Cart $5.00
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    Technical Information
    Date published 11/02/2022
    Price $5.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Battlesuit Arms Left Forarm.stl
    Battlesuit Arms Left Shoulder.stl
    Battlesuit Arms Right Forarm.stl
    Battlesuit Arms Right Shouler.stl
    Battlesuit Base.stl
    Battlesuit Body Body Cover Left.stl
    Battlesuit Body Body Cover Right.stl
    Battlesuit Body Body.stl
    Battlesuit Body Hips.stl
    Battlesuit Head Head.stl
    Battlesuit Head Left Antenna.stl
    Battlesuit Head Right Antenna.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Left Foot.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Left Knee.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Left Shin.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Left Thigh.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Right Foot.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Right Knee.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Right Shin.stl
    Battlesuit Legs Right Thigh.stl
    Battlesuit Subsystems Sensor Cluster Left Side.stl
    Battlesuit Subsystems Sensor Cluster Right Side.stl
    Battlesuit Subsystems Shield.stl
    Battlesuit Subsystems Targeting Pod Left Side.stl
    Battlesuit Subsystems Targeting Pod Right Side.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Airbusting Grenade Launcher.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Flamer.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Fusion Gun.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Gatling Laser Left.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Gatling Laser Right.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Ion Repeater.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Missile Pod.stl
    Battlesuit Weapons Plasma Rifle.stl