Scavenger Crew Bundle

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Published 2022-10-12T09:28:00+00:00

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    $7.00 Scavenger Crew Bundle

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2022-10-12T09:28:00+00:00

    Diluvian Chronicles


    11 objects

    Add Files To Cart $7.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    5 2 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 12/10/2022
    Price $7.00
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    25Mm Base Magnet.stl 390 MB
    Scav Captain Pirate Supported.stl 9 MB
    Scav Captain Pirate.stl 192 MB
    Scav Captain Supported.stl 18 MB
    Scav Captain.stl 18 MB
    Scav Crew Slicer Shooting Supported.stl
    Scav Crew Slicer Shooting.stl
    Scav Crew Slicer Standing Pose.stl
    Scav Crew Slicer Standing Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Arbalest Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Arbalest.stl
    Scav Cutter Cannon Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Cannon.stl
    Scav Cutter Hull Bow Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Hull Bow.stl
    Scav Cutter Hull Stern Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Hull Stern.stl
    Scav Cutter Mast Block Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Mast Block.stl
    Scav Cutter Mount Post Short Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Mount Post Short.stl
    Scav Cutter Mount Post Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Mount Post.stl
    Scav Cutter Post Short Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Post Short.stl
    Scav Cutter Post Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Post.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Bow Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Bow.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Port Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Port.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Stern Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Rail Stern.stl
    Scav Cutter Sail Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Sail.stl
    Scav Cutter Wheel Supported.stl
    Scav Cutter Wheel.stl
    Scav Deckhand Crossbow Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Crossbow Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Great Hook Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Great Hook Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Hook And Shield Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Hook And Shield Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Javelin Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Javelin Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Crossbow Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Crossbow Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Great Hook Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Great Hook Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Hook And Shield Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Hook And Shield Pose 1 Light.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Javelin Pose 1 Heavy.stl
    Scav Deckhand Supported Javelin Pose 1 Light.stl