Oozes VS Mimics COMPLETE SET | PRESUPPORTED | Dragon Trappers Lodge

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Published 2022-09-05T08:54:56+00:00

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    $60.00 Oozes VS Mimics COMPLETE SET | PRESUPPORTED | Dragon Trappers Lodge

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2022-09-05T08:54:56+00:00

    The Dragon Trappers Lodge


    892 objects

    Add Files To Cart $60.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    114 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 05/09/2022
    Price $60.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Armor Mimics.zip 531 MB
    Bases.zip 45 MB
    Dragon Mimic.zip 892 MB
    Mimics & Objects.zip 610 MB
    Ooze King.zip 192 MB
    mimicstrosity.zip 2 GB
    Ooze Monster Juiblex.zip 160 MB
    Plasmoid Boys.zip 322 MB
    Plasmoid Girls.zip 377 MB
    Hazmat Gnomes X.zip 602 MB
    Windmill X.zip 491 MB
    Siege mimics X.zip 626 MB
    Slime Army X.zip 582 MB
    The Monster Mash Lore.pdf.zip 5 MB
    Carriage Mimic.zip 384 MB