Modular medieval port entrance set with monumental gate, quays and stone walls (6) - Pirate Jungle Island Beach Piracy Caribbean Medieval Skull Renaissance

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Published 2023-08-09T08:51:56+00:00

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    $7.90 Modular medieval port entrance set with monumental gate, quays and stone walls (6) - Pirate Jungle Island Beach Piracy Caribbean Medieval Skull Renaissance

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-08-09T08:51:56+00:00

    Hartolia Miniatures


    3,399 objects

    Add Files To Cart $7.90
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    8 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 09/08/2023
    Price $7.90
    More Information
    Object Parts
    28Mm Cannon Balls On Pallet.stl (Repaired) 2 MB
    28Mm Cannon On Pallet.stl 8 MB
    28Mm Defence Point Dock.stl 5 MB
    28Mm Defence Point Roof.stl 31 MB
    28Mm Defence Point Steps.stl 861 KB
    28Mm Defence Point.stl 773 KB
    28Mm Dock Sea Steps.stl 2 MB
    28Mm Dock Support 1 2.Stl 31 MB
    28Mm Dock Support 2 3.Stl 1 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall End.stl 1 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Loading Section.stl 2 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Out Corner Left.stl 646 KB
    28Mm Dock Wall Out Corner Right.stl 5 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Quay End.stl 357 KB
    28Mm Dock Wall Single Arch.stl 3 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Tight Curve.stl 5 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Wide Curve With Door Arch.stl 2 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Wide Curve With Steps.stl 1 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall Wide Curve.stl 1 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall With Steps.stl 1 MB
    28Mm Dock Wall.stl 427 KB
    28Mm Left Gate.stl 3 MB
    28Mm Left Gateway Tower.stl 378 KB
    28Mm Right Gate.stl 684 KB
    28Mm Right Gateway Tower.stl 53 KB