Modular Ducts & Vent System

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Published 2023-01-30T12:24:12+00:00

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    $12.95 Modular Ducts & Vent System

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-01-30T12:24:12+00:00

    Saucermen Studios


    319 objects

    Add Files To Cart $12.95
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    41 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 30/01/2023
    Price $12.95
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Duct Angle A.stl 390 KB
    Duct Angle B.stl 191 KB
    Duct Angle D.stl 185 KB
    Duct Angle E.stl 242 KB
    Duct Angle F.stl 186 KB
    Duct Angle.stl 116 KB
    Duct Bend A.stl 156 KB
    Duct Bend B.stl 147 KB
    Duct Bigfan.stl 171 KB
    Duct Single A.stl 355 KB
    Duct Single B.stl 479 KB
    Duct Single C.stl 224 KB
    Duct Single D.stl 1 MB
    Duct Single E.stl 142 KB
    Duct Single F.stl 475 KB
    Duct Straight A.stl 85 KB
    Duct Straight B.stl 210 KB
    Duct T A.stl 257 KB
    Duct T B.stl 385 KB
    Machinery.stl 84 KB