Modern Building Bundle Pack 1 Hex Map Scale

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Published 2023-07-24T08:43:28+00:00

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    $40.00 Modern Building Bundle Pack 1 Hex Map Scale

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-07-24T08:43:28+00:00

    Wargame Forge


    2,097 objects

    Add Files To Cart $40.00
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    Technical Information
    Date published 24/07/2023
    Price $40.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Hmsm001 Modern Building 1 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm001 Modern Building 1.Stl
    Hmsm002 Modern Building 2 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm002 Modern Building 2.Stl
    Hmsm003 Modern Building 3 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm003 Modern Building 3.Stl
    Hmsm004 Modern Building 4 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm004 Modern Building 4.Stl
    Hmsm005 Modern Building 5 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm005 Modern Building 5.Stl
    Hmsm006 Modern Building 6 Cfl.stl (Repaired)
    Hmsm006 Modern Building 6.Stl
    Hmsm007 Modern Building 7 Court House Cfl.stl (Repaired)
    Hmsm007 Modern Building 7 Court House.stl (Repaired)
    Hmsm008A Modern Building 8 Factory With Stacks Cfl.stl (Repaired)
    Hmsm008A Modern Building 8 Factory With Stacks.stl
    Hmsm008B Modern Building 8 Factory No Stacks Cfl.stl
    Hmsm009 Modern Building 9 Fire Station Cfl.stl
    Hmsm009 Modern Building 9 Fire Station.stl
    Hmsm010 Modern Building 10 Food Processing Plant Cfl.stl
    Hmsm010 Modern Building 10 Food Processing Plant.stl
    Hmsm011 Modern Building 11 Hospital Cfl.stl
    Hmsm011 Modern Building 11 Hospital.stl
    Hmsm012 Modern Building 12 Nuclear Power Plant Cfl.stl
    Hmsm012 Modern Building 12 Nuclear Power Plant.stl
    Hmsm013 Modern Building 13 Parking Garage Cfl.stl
    Hmsm013 Modern Building 13 Parking Garage.stl
    Hmsm014 Modern Building 14 Police Station Cfl.stl
    Hmsm014 Modern Building 14 Police Station.stl
    Hmsm015 Modern Building 15 Row House 1 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm015 Modern Building 15 Row House 1.Stl
    Hmsm015 Modern Building 15 Row House 2 Cfl.stl
    Hmsm015 Modern Building 15 Row House 2.Stl
    Hmsm016 Modern Building 16 Hotel Cfl.stl
    Hmsm016 Modern Building 16 Hotel.stl
    Hmsm017 Modern Building 17 Industrial Storage Tank Cfl.stl
    Hmsm017 Modern Building 17 Industrial Storage Tank With Feeder Line Cfl.stl
    Hmsm017 Modern Building 17 Industrial Storage Tank With Feeder Line.stl
    Hmsm017 Modern Building 17 Industrial Storage Tank.stl