Men of Rome: Roman Legionaries 28-32mm Modular Miniatures

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Published 2023-08-16T07:50:32+00:00

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    $12.00 Men of Rome: Roman Legionaries 28-32mm Modular Miniatures

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-08-16T07:50:32+00:00

    Stormforge Minis


    76 objects

    Add Files To Cart $12.00
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    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    42 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 16/08/2023
    Price $12.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody01 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody01.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody02 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody02.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody03 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody03.Obj 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody04 Sup.obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody04.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody05 Sup.stl 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody05.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody06 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody06.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody07 Sup.stl 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody07.Obj 4 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody08 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody08.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody09 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody09.Obj 3 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody10 Sup.stl 2 MB
    28Mmlegionarysegmentatabody10.Obj 3 MB
    Centurioncrest01Head01.Obj 26 MB
    Centurioncrest01Head01Scream.obj 22 MB
    Emptygladiusshieth Sup.stl 26 MB
    Emptygladiusshieth.obj 288 MB
    Gladiushand01 Sup.stl 7 MB
    Gladiushand01.Obj 19 MB
    Gladiusinshieth Sup.stl 10 MB
    Gladiusinshieth.obj 21 MB
    Griphand01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Griphand01.Obj 16 MB
    Legionarycresthead01Scream Sup.stl 4 MB
    Legionarycresthead01Scream.obj 22 MB
    Legionaryhead01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Legionaryhead01.Obj 27 MB
    Legionaryhead01Scream Sup.stl 5 MB
    Legionaryhead01Scream.obj 26 MB
    Menofrome Boxset Hd Segmentata1.Png 26 MB
    Menofrome Boxset Hd Segmentata2.Png 26 MB
    Openhand01 Sup.stl 26 MB
    Openhand01.Obj 390 MB
    Optio02Head01 Sup.stl 5 MB
    Optio02Head01.Obj 21 MB
    Optiohead01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Optiohead01.Obj 19 MB
    Pointinghand01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Pointinghand01.Obj 4 MB
    Test Pilumhand01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Test Pilumhand01.Obj 21 MB
    Test Pilumthrowhand01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Test Pilumthrowhand01.Obj 21 MB
    Test Scutumshieldhand01 Sup.stl 4 MB
    Test Scutumshieldhand01.Obj 21 MB