Gothic Style Large Battleship

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Published 2024-05-08T08:21:34+00:00

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    $8.00 Gothic Style Large Battleship

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-05-08T08:21:34+00:00

    Lee McColl


    256 objects

    Add Files To Cart $8.00
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    14 1 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 08/05/2024
    Price $8.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Bridge One.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Bridge Two.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Dorsal Turret.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Mid.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Prow.stl (Repaired)
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Rear.stl (Repaired)
    Gothic Battleship Stl Battleship Sensor Prow.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Weapon Options Bc Portside Hangar Bay.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Weapon Options Bc Starboard Hangar Bay.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Weapon Options Bc Weapon Battery.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Weapon Options Lance Battery Body.stl
    Gothic Battleship Stl Weapon Options Lance Turret Sprue.stl