Futuristic base module with pipes and access stairs (26) - Future Sci-Fi SF Post apocalyptic Tabletop Scifi

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Published 2023-03-13T10:37:05+00:00

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    $2.30 Futuristic base module with pipes and access stairs (26) - Future Sci-Fi SF Post apocalyptic Tabletop Scifi

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-03-13T10:37:05+00:00

    Hartolia Miniatures


    3,399 objects

    Add Files To Cart $2.30
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
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    7 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 13/03/2023
    Price $2.30
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Model1 Part1.Stl 37 MB
    Model1 Part10.Stl 982 KB
    Model1 Part11.Stl 983 KB
    Model1 Part12.Stl 143 KB
    Model1 Part13.Stl 143 KB
    Model1 Part14.Stl 21 MB
    Model1 Part15.Stl 13 MB
    Model1 Part16.Stl 14 MB
    Model1 Part17.Stl 144 KB
    Model1 Part18.Stl 2 MB
    Model1 Part19.Stl 1008 KB
    Model1 Part2.Stl 14 MB
    Model1 Part20.Stl 964 KB
    Model1 Part21.Stl 2 MB
    Model1 Part22.Stl 3 MB
    Model1 Part23.Stl 7 MB
    Model1 Part24.Stl 1008 KB
    Model1 Part25.Stl 3 MB
    Model1 Part3.Stl 21 MB
    Model1 Part4.Stl 146 KB
    Model1 Part5.Stl 145 KB
    Model1 Part6.Stl 174 KB
    Model1 Part7.Stl 966 KB
    Model1 Part8.Stl 954 KB
    Model1 Part9.Stl 952 KB