(FULL SET) Dice Keepers - 14 miniature & polyhedral dice stand

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Published 2023-05-09T09:03:53+00:00

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    $39.99 (FULL SET) Dice Keepers - 14 miniature & polyhedral dice stand

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-05-09T09:03:53+00:00

    Sea Of Geeks


    34 objects

    Add Files To Cart $39.99
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    30 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 09/05/2023
    Price $39.99
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Beholder.stl 38 MB
    Beholderbase.stl 27 MB
    Beholderbasesupported.chitubox 56 MB
    Beholderbasesupported.stl 35 MB
    Beholdersupported.chitubox 54 MB
    Beholdersupported.stl 48 MB
    D10.Chitubox 48 MB
    D10.Stl 50 MB
    D100.Chitubox 21 MB
    D100.Stl 39 MB
    D100Base.chitubox 49 MB
    D100Base.stl 36 MB
    D100Basesupported.stl 26 MB
    D100Supported.stl 14 MB
    D10Base.chitubox 35 MB
    D10Base.stl 35 MB
    D10Basesupported.stl 39 MB
    D10Supported.stl 52 MB
    D12.Chitubox 33 MB
    D12.Stl 31 MB
    D12Base.chitubox 44 MB
    D12Base.stl 32 MB
    D12Basesupported.stl 42 MB
    D12Supported.stl 33 MB
    D20.Chitubox 45 MB
    D20.Stl 31 MB
    D20Supported.stl 37 MB
    D4.Chitubox 59 MB
    D4.Stl 58 MB
    D4Base.chitubox 75 MB
    D4Base.stl 75 MB
    D4Basesupported.stl 54 MB
    D4Supported.stl 70 MB
    D6.Chitubox 65 MB
    D6.Stl 66 MB
    D6Base.chitubox 63 MB
    D6Base.stl 51 MB
    D6Basesupported.stl 56 MB
    D6Supported.stl 58 MB
    D8.Chitubox 48 MB
    D8.Stl 47 MB
    D8Base.chitubox 54 MB
    D8Base.stl 59 MB
    D8Basesupported.stl 36 MB
    D8Supported.stl 25 MB
    Defender.stl 45 MB
    Defenderbase.stl 22 MB
    Defenderbasesupported.chitubox 45 MB
    Defenderbasesupported.stl 42 MB
    Defendersupported.chitubox 50 MB
    Defendersupported.stl 40 MB
    Druid.stl 61 MB
    Druidbase.stl 41 MB
    Druidbasesupported.chitubox 47 MB
    Druidbasesupported.stl 35 MB
    Druidsupported.chitubox 31 MB
    Druidsupported.stl 36 MB
    Mindflyer.stl 44 MB
    Mindflyerbase.stl 46 MB
    Mindflyerbasesupported.chitubox 32 MB
    Mindflyerbasesupported.stl 42 MB
    Mindflyersupported.chitubox 44 MB
    Mindflyersupported.stl 41 MB
    Ranger.stl 44 MB
    Rangerbase.stl 41 MB
    Rangerbasesupported.chitubox 43 MB
    Rangerbasesupported.stl 31 MB
    Rangersupported.chitubox 62 MB
    Rangersupported.stl 47 MB
    Rogue.stl 61 MB
    Roguebase.stl 46 MB
    Roguebasesupported.chitubox 40 MB
    Roguebasesupported.stl 65 MB
    Roguesupported.chitubox 66 MB
    Roguesupported.stl 50 MB
    Sorcerer.stl 15 MB
    Sorcererbase.stl 62 MB
    Sorcererbasesupported.chitubox 69 MB
    Sorcererbasesupported.stl 54 MB
    Sorcerersupported.chitubox 56 MB
    Sorcerersupported.stl 48 MB