Finch and Dragon - Huodong Battalion Elites

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Published 2023-12-15T09:27:31+00:00

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    $7.99 Finch and Dragon - Huodong Battalion Elites

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-12-15T09:27:31+00:00

    Noir Phoenix Studio

    @Noir Phoenix Studio

    34 objects

    Add Files To Cart $7.99
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    4 0 Add to Collection
    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 15/12/2023
    Price $7.99
    More Information
    Object Parts
    07A 01 Bsae.stl 26 MB
    07A 01 Supported.stl 111 MB
    07A 02 Base.stl 25 MB
    07A 03 Supported.stl 102 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 07A Roaring Tiger Gun Sergeant.stl 102 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 07A Roaring Tiger Gun.stl 125 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 07A Roaring Tiger Gunner.stl 111 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 08A Huodong Battalion Heavy Musketeer.stl 76 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 08A Huodong Battalion Musketeer.stl 82 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 09A Huodong Breeze Catcher Spotter.stl 122 MB
    Fnd Bosj Ming 09A Huodong Breeze Catcher Striker.stl 94 MB
    Tactical Base 32Mm.stl 3 MB