Cross Cut Building

3D File Logo  3D

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    This object has been checked for printability, but did not pass the test and was deemed not printable. This object is still shareable and people with this link will be able to see and download the object, so please make sure you watch out and progress with care!


    Cross Cut Building

    3D File Logo  3D

    Kyle Strougo


    11 objects

    0 0 Add to Collection
    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Status Rejected
    Technology FDM
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Bottom 1.Stl (Under review)
    3D View
    Open Building.stl (Under review)
    3D View
    Piece 3.Stl (Under review)
    3D View
    Piece 4.Stl (Under review)
    3D View
    Top 6.Stl (Under review)
    3D View
    Piece 2.Stl (Repaired)
    3D View
    Piece 5.Stl (Repaired)
    3D View