Building Site Crane

3D File Logo  3D

Published 2018-08-28T17:18:43+00:00

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    Building Site Crane

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2018-08-28T17:18:43+00:00

    Waldo Minny


    6 objects

    31 3 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 28/08/2018
    Technology FDM
    Complexity Easy
    More Information
    Object Parts
    10Hsp 10 Hole Straight Plate.stl
    3D View
    2Hsp 2 Hole Straight Plate.stl
    3D View
    2Sfp Ft 2 Stack Free Pin Flat Top.stl
    3D View
    3Sfp Ft 3 Stack Free Pin Flat Top.stl
    3D View
    5Hsp 5 Hole Straight Plate.stl
    3D View
    6Hsp 6 Hole Straight Plate.stl
    3D View
    90Sfa I 90 Single Fold Angle Inner 1.Stl
    3D View
    90Sfa I 90 Single Fold Angle Inner.stl
    3D View
    90Sfa O 90 Single Fold Angle Outer.stl
    3D View
    Lw Large Wheel.stl
    3D View
    Mw Medium Wheel.stl
    3D View