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Published 2021-12-23T11:27:58+00:00

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    $10.00 ANIMALS PACK B

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2021-12-23T11:27:58+00:00

    Ismael Panadero Garcia


    58 objects

    Add Files To Cart $10.00
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    92% goes to the Creator
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    92 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 23/12/2021
    Price $10.00
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    1 Sheep Sheep Supported.stl
    1 Sheep Sheep.lys
    1 Sheep Sheep.stl
    10 Buffalo Buffalo Supported.stl
    10 Buffalo Buffalo.lys
    10 Buffalo Buffalo.stl
    11 Llama Llama Supported.stl
    11 Llama Llama.lys
    11 Llama Llama.stl
    12 Giant Turtle Giant Turtle.lys
    12 Giant Turtle Giant Turtle.stl
    13 Bison Bison Supported.stl
    13 Bison Bison.lys
    13 Bison Bison.stl
    14 Giraffe Giraffe Supported.stl
    14 Giraffe Giraffe.lys
    14 Giraffe Giraffe.stl
    15 Penguin Penguin Supported.stl
    15 Penguin Penguin.lys
    15 Penguin Penguin.stl
    16 Leopard Leopard Supported.stl
    16 Leopard Leopard.lys
    16 Leopard Leopard.stl
    17 Rabbit Rabbit Supported.stl
    17 Rabbit Rabbit.lys
    17 Rabbit Rabbit.stl
    18 Chicken Chicken Supported.stl
    18 Chicken Chicken.lys
    18 Chicken Chicken.stl
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo Rock Supported.stl
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo Rock.lys
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo Rock.stl
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo Supported.stl
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo.lys
    19 Kangaroo Kangaroo.stl
    2 Pig Pig Supported.stl
    2 Pig Pig.lys
    2 Pig Pig.stl
    20 Ferret Ferret Supported.stl
    20 Ferret Ferret.lys
    20 Ferret Ferret.stl
    3 Cow Cow Supported.stl
    3 Cow Cow.lys
    3 Cow Cow.stl (Repaired)
    4 Mammoth Mammoth Supported.stl
    4 Mammoth Mammoth.lys
    4 Mammoth Mammoth.stl
    5 Cat Cat Supported.stl (Repaired)
    5 Cat Cat.lys
    5 Cat Cat.stl (Repaired)
    6 Rats Rats Supported.stl (Repaired)
    6 Rats Rats.lys
    6 Rats Rats.stl (Repaired)
    7 Crows Crow1 Supported.stl
    7 Crows Crow1.Stl
    7 Crows Crow2 Supported.stl
    7 Crows Crow2.Lys
    7 Crows Crow2.Stl
    7 Crows Crows Tree Supported.stl
    7 Crows Crows Tree.lys
    7 Crows Crows Tree.stl (Repaired)
    7 Crows Crows.lys
    8 Gorilla Gorilla Supported.stl
    8 Gorilla Gorilla.lys
    8 Gorilla Gorilla.stl (Repaired)
    9 Lioness Lioness Rock Sg.lys
    9 Lioness Lioness Rock Supported.stl
    9 Lioness Lioness Rock.stl
    9 Lioness Lioness Supported.stl
    9 Lioness Lioness.lys
    9 Lioness Lioness.stl