Nintendo Switch controller wall mount

3D File Logo  3D

Published 2017-03-14T10:09:50+00:00

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    Nintendo Switch controller wall mount

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2017-03-14T10:09:50+00:00

    Brent Ed


    22 objects

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    Technical Information
    Date published 14/03/2017
    Time to do - 400 minutes
    Material Quantity 64 grams
    Dimensions 69.0mm x 36.2mm x 101.0mm
    Technology FDM
    Support Free YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Joy Con Wall Holder Player 1.Stl
    3D View
    Joy Con Wall Holder Player 2.Stl
    3D View
    Joy Con Wall Holder Player 3.Stl
    3D View
    Joy Con Wall Holder Player 4.Stl
    3D View