Mazda RX7 Wankel Rotary Engine 13B-REW - Working Model

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Published 2020-01-29T20:15:24+00:00

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    Mazda RX7 Wankel Rotary Engine 13B-REW - Working Model

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2020-01-29T20:15:24+00:00

    Eric G Harrell


    5 objects

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    Technical Information
    Date published 29/01/2020
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Bearing Housing Scaled.stl
    3D View
    Center Plate Scaled.stl
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    Coil Assembly Clamp Scaled.stl
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    Coil Backing Plate Scaled.stl
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    Coiling Backing Plate Cover Scaled.stl
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    Coiling Backing Plate Scaled.stl
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    Compressor Wheel Scaled.stl
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    Eccentric Shaft 1 Scaled.stl
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    Eccentric Shaft Center Scaled.stl
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    Eccentric Shaft Lobe 1 Scaled.stl
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    Flywheel 13B Scaled.stl
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    Front Fixed Gear Scaled.stl
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    Front Plate Scaled.stl
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    Front Pulley Scaled.stl
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    Front Rotor Housing Scaled.stl
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    Front Shaft Scaled.stl
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    Idle Gear 13B Scaled.stl
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    Led Diffuse Lens Scaled.stl
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    Lower Intake Manifold Scaled.stl
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    Mounting Feet Scaled.stl
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    Oil Filler Scaled.stl
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    Oil Pan Electric Motor Mount Scaled.stl
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    Oil Pan Electronics Cover Scaled.stl
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    Oil Vent Tube Scaled.stl
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    Output Shaft Scaled.stl
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    Rear Fixed Gear Scaled.stl
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    Rear Plate For Smart Rotor Scaled.stl
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    Rear Plate Plain Rotor Scaled.stl
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    Rear Rotor Housing Scaled.stl
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    Rotor 1 Scaled.stl
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    Rx Coil Assembly Jig Scaled.stl
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    Smart Rotor Bottom Scaled.stl
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    Smart Rotor Top Scaled.stl
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    Snail Housing Clamp Scaled.stl
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    Starter Drive Gear 13B Scaled.stl
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    Throttle Body Scaled.stl
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    Timing Cover Scaled.stl
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    Turbine Wheel Scaled.stl
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    Turbo Exhuast Housing Scaled.stl
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    Turbo Housing Clamp Scaled.stl
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    Turbo Manifold Scaled.stl
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    Turbo Snail Housing Plate Scaled.stl
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    Turbo Snail Housing Scaled.stl
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    Tx Coil Assembly Jig Scaled.stl
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    Upper Intake Manifold Scaled.stl
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    Visual Coolant 2 Scaled.stl
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    Visual Coolant 3 Scaled.stl
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    Visual Coolant 4 Scaled.stl
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    Visual Coolant Scaled.stl
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    Documents Attached