False Pediment of Room for Dancers of Ta Prohm at The Guimet Museum, Paris

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Published 2016-10-24T11:17:08+00:00

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    False Pediment of Room for Dancers of Ta Prohm at The Guimet Museum, Paris

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2016-10-24T11:17:08+00:00

    Oliver Laric


    113 objects

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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 24/10/2016
    Time to do 230 - 260 minutes
    Material Quantity 32.59g
    Dimensions 130.00mmx14.63mmx99.43mm
    Technology FDM
    More Information
    Title False Pediment of Room for Dancers of Ta Prohm at The Guimet Museum, Paris
    Date 1888-1889 (cast)
    Dimension 245 x 310 x 30 cm
    Medium Plaster
    Credit Cast taken on a Lucien Fournereau and Sylvain Raffegeaud mission.
    Record http://threedscans.com/uncategorized/2218/
    Place Musée Guimet
    Object Parts
    Ta Prohm.stl
    3D View