Charles V in Prisenhof, Ghent

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Published 2016-05-12T09:56:57+00:00

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    Charles V in Prisenhof, Ghent

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2016-05-12T09:56:57+00:00

    Scan The World

    @Scan The World

    12,444 objects

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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 12/05/2016
    Time to do 260 - 290 minutes
    Material Quantity 27 grams
    Dimensions 50mm x 50mm x 130mm
    Technology FDM
    More Information
    Title Charles V
    Dimension Slightly larger than life
    Accession Public sculpture
    Period 1966
    Medium Bronze
    Credit Grant by the Spanish Imperial City of Toledo to the hometown of Charles V in September 1966
    Place Prisenhof
    Object Parts
    247 Ghent Keizer Karel Repaired Cut 2 1.Stl
    3D View