Elephant table clock

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Published 2016-02-03T12:26:23+00:00

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    Elephant table clock

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2016-02-03T12:26:23+00:00

    Victoria and Albert Museum, London


    206 objects

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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 03/02/2016
    Time to do 260 - 290 minutes
    Material Quantity 31 grams
    Dimensions 85mm x 55mm x 130mm
    Technology FDM
    Complexity Difficult
    More Information
    Title Elephant table clock
    Date ca. 1745 (made)
    Dimension Height: 65 cm, Width: 44 cm, Depth: 29 cm 30cm max.
    Accession 1008:1-1882
    Period France, about 1745, with later additions
    Medium Ormolu, white enamelled dial probably 19th century replacement; cast bronze elephant, base of ebony with ormolu mounts probably later 18th century addition.The quality of the chasing is very high; the central plant on the base has been cast as a separate feature. The slightly reddish patina of the elephant is characteristic of 18th century work. The elephant stands neatly on the ormolu base.
    Credit John Jones Bequest
    Record http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O120204/table-clock-philippe-caffieri/
    Artist Signed by Jérome Matinot, case by Philippe Caffieri
    Place Victoria and Albert Museum, London
    Object Parts
    Elephant Table Clock At The V A London 1.Stl
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