
3D File Logo  3D

Published 2021-05-06T10:49:40+00:00

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    $6.00 cathedral

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2021-05-06T10:49:40+00:00

    Village's Hope Miniatures


    386 objects

    Add Files To Cart $6.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    42 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 06/05/2021
    Price $6.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Altar.stl 54 MB
    Church Bench.stl (Repaired) 32 MB
    Circlehall Clean Small.stl 9 MB
    Circlehall Clean.stl 276 KB
    Circlehall Grid Small.stl 9 MB
    Circlehall Grid.stl 9 MB
    Front Tower Small.stl 401 KB
    Front Tower.stl 398 KB
    Maindoor Merge Small.stl 23 MB
    Maindoor Merge.stl 33 MB
    Maindoor Seperate Small.stl 23 MB
    Maindoor Seperate.stl 32 MB
    Mainhall Clean Small.stl 5 MB
    Mainhall Clean.stl 401 KB
    Mainhall Grid Small.stl 4 MB
    Mainhall Grid.stl 398 KB
    Roof Front L Small.stl (Repaired) 80 MB
    Roof Front L.stl (Repaired) 53 MB
    Roof Front R Small.stl 80 MB
    Roof Front R.stl 54 MB
    Roof1 Small.stl 9 MB
    Roof1.Stl 9 MB
    Roof2 Small.stl 9 MB
    Roof2.Stl 925 KB
    Roofcircle Small.stl 9 MB
    Roofcircle.stl 9 MB
    Sidedoor Merge Small.stl 23 MB
    Sidedoor Merge.stl 33 MB
    Sidedoor Seperate Small.stl 23 MB
    Sidedoor Seperate.stl 32 MB
    Statue Base Hollow.stl 32 MB
    Veil Saint Statue.stl 53 MB