High Pressure Turbine (HPT) Blade

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Published 2019-09-20T17:45:35+00:00

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    $6.00 High Pressure Turbine (HPT) Blade

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2019-09-20T17:45:35+00:00

    Motoo Kondo


    104 objects

    Add Files To Cart $6.00
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    92% goes to the Creator
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    6 0 Add to Collection
    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 20/09/2019
    Price $6.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    0 Hpt Blade Mold101.Stl 3 MB
    0 Hpt Blade Mold101Ws.stl 1 MB
    0 Hpt Blade Mold102.Stl 2 MB
    0 Hpt Blade Mold102Ws.stl 2 MB
    0 Hpt Core Mold01.Stl 119 KB
    0 Hpt Core Mold01Mws.stl 135 KB
    Ceramic Core101.Stl 74 KB
    Ceramic Core101Mws.stl 53 KB
    Hpt Blade101 Half01.Stl (Repaired) 92 KB
    Hpt Blade101 Half01Mws.stl 126 KB
    Hpt Blade101 Half02.Stl 92 KB
    Hpt Blade101 Half02Mws.stl 118 KB
    Hpt Blade101 Hole.stl 21 KB
    Hpt Blade101Ws.stl 123 KB
    Stand Blade Half Jig201.Stl 2 MB
    Stand Blade Half Jig202.Stl 3 MB
    Stand Blade Holder01.Stl 3 MB
    Stand Blade Mold01.Stl 1 MB
    Stand Core Mold01.Stl 99 KB
    Stand Set01.Stl 2 MB
    Stand Set02.Stl 2 MB
    Stand Set04.Stl 135 KB