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6-15mm 17th Century Pike & Shotte Mortar & Crew (TYW/ECW) & Blender File P&S-13

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Published 2024-06-04T16:42:37+00:00

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    $4.49 6-15mm 17th Century Pike & Shotte Mortar & Crew (TYW/ECW) & Blender File P&S-13

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-06-04T16:42:37+00:00

    Henry Turner


    711 objects

    Add Files To Cart $4.49
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    1 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 04/06/2024
    Price $4.49
    Supporto Gratuito YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Crewman Loading Ball Print A Mirrored Version Too 1.Stl 15 MB
    Crewman Loading Ball Print A Mirrored Version Too 2.Stl 15 MB
    Crewman Loading Ball Print A Mirrored Version Too 3.Stl 15 MB
    Mortar Being Loaded Based.lyt 113 KB
    Mortar Being Loaded Based.stl 34 MB
    Mortar Team.blend 29 MB
    Mortar With Ball Chain.stl 4 MB
    Mortar.stl 4 MB
    Separated Mortar.blend 6 MB