Turnip28: The Beekeepers of Bhir

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Published 2024-04-18T14:21:08+00:00

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    $18.00 Turnip28: The Beekeepers of Bhir

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-04-18T14:21:08+00:00

    Max FitzGerald


    13 objects

    Add Files To Cart $18.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    93 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 18/04/2024
    Price $18.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Beekeepers Backpack 01 Hive Honeycomb.stl (Repaired) 60 MB
    Beekeepers Backpack 02 Hive Honey.stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Backpack Hive 01 Supported Chitu.chitubox 60 MB
    Beekeepers Backpack Hive 01 Supported.stl 18 MB
    Beekeepers Backpack Hive 02 Supported Chitu.chitubox 4 MB
    Beekeepers Backpack Hive 02 Supported.stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 01 Supported Chitu.chitubox 61 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 01 Supported.stl 22 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 01.Stl 113 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 02 Supported Chitu.chitubox 3 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 02 Supported.stl 2 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 02.Stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 03 Loose Supported Chitu.chitubox 7 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 03 Loose Supported.stl 5 MB
    Beekeepers Bees 03 Loose.stl 5 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 01 Supported Chitu.chitubox 82 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 01 Supported.stl 23 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 01.Stl 44 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 02 Supported Chitu.chitubox 81 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 02 Supported.stl 23 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 02.Stl 114 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 03 Supported Chitu.chitubox 61 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 03 Supported.stl 18 MB
    Beekeepers Bits Hive 03.Stl (Repaired) 44 MB
    Beekeepers Body 01 Supported Chitu.chitubox 3 MB
    Beekeepers Body 01 Supported.stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Body 01.Stl 4 MB
    Beekeepers Body 02 Supported Chitu.chitubox 3 MB
    Beekeepers Body 02 Supported.stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Body 02.Stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Head 01 Spikes Supported Chitu.chitubox 111 MB
    Beekeepers Head 01 Spikes Supported.stl 24 MB
    Beekeepers Head 01 Spikes.stl 30 MB
    Beekeepers Head 02 Mask Supported Chitu.chitubox 13 MB
    Beekeepers Head 02 Mask Supported.stl 9 MB
    Beekeepers Head 02 Mask.stl 10 MB
    Beekeepers Head 03 Pointedhood Supported Chitu.chitubox 16 MB
    Beekeepers Head 03 Pointedhood Supported.stl 10 MB
    Beekeepers Head 03 Pointedhood.stl 10 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 01 Musket Supported Chitu.chitubox 6 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 01 Musket Supported.stl 4 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 01 Musket.stl 4 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 02 Standard Supported Chitu.chitubox 3 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 02 Standard Supported.stl 84 B
    Beekeepers Leftarm 02 Standard.stl 3 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 03 Hive Supported Chitu.chitubox 18 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 03 Hive Supported.stl 12 MB
    Beekeepers Leftarm 03 Hive.stl 12 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 01 Smoker Supported Chitu.chitubox 109 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 01 Smoker Supported.stl 24 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 01 Smoker.stl 31 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 02 Longsleeve.stl 4 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 02 Longsleeves Supported Chitu.chitubox 7 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 02 Longsleeves Supported.stl 4 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 03 Shortsleeve.stl 7 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 03 Shortsleeves Supported Chitu.chitubox 10 MB
    Beekeepers Rightarm 03 Shortsleeves Supported.stl 8 MB