"The Cursed Souls" ~ June '24 Fantasy Bundle

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Published 2024-07-03T08:30:50+00:00

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    $50.00 "The Cursed Souls" ~ June '24 Fantasy Bundle

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-07-03T08:30:50+00:00

    Crippled God Foundry


    1,212 objects

    Add Files To Cart $50.00
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    8 1 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 03/07/2024
    Price $50.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    1. Ancestral Guardian Barbarian.zip 219 MB
    9. Tortured Souls.zip 259 MB
    10. Wraiths.zip 389 MB
    5. Ghost King.zip 132 MB
    6. Ghost King Bust.zip 130 MB
    3. Dead Kings.zip 318 MB
    2. Banshees.zip 263 MB
    4. Ghost Dragon.zip 581 MB
    7. Ghost Warriors.zip 309 MB
    8. Undead Patron Warlock.zip 104 MB
    Terrain.zip 464 MB
    Cursed Souls Monster Compendium.zip 14 MB
    UPDATE_CornerAncientRuins1_2_4_roof supported.zip 19 MB
    UPDATE_AnientTempleRuinsGate supported.zip 26 MB