Kobold Pack with Warren! 4 Miniatures + Environment piece + Bases + 5E Stats .pdf!

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Published 2024-05-29T18:01:42+00:00

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    $15.99 Kobold Pack with Warren! 4 Miniatures + Environment piece + Bases + 5E Stats .pdf!

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-05-29T18:01:42+00:00

    Black Stump Miniatures


    59 objects

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    Détail de l'impression
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 29/05/2024
    Price $15.99
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Clear Hex Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl 46 MB
    Clear Hex Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo.stl 34 MB
    Clear Hex Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl (Repaired) 20 MB
    Clear Hex Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo.stl (Repaired) 16 MB
    Clear Round Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl 53 MB
    Clear Round Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo.stl 41 MB
    Clear Round Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl 22 MB
    Clear Round Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo.stl 19 MB
    Clear Square Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl 65 MB
    Clear Square Large 2Inch Black Stump Logo.stl 48 MB
    Clear Square Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo Supported.stl 29 MB
    Clear Square Small Medium 1Inch Black Stump Logo.stl 25 MB
    Kobold Pose A 32Mm 1.Stl 35 MB
    Kobold Pose A 32Mm.stl 44 MB
    Kobold Pose A 54Mm 1.Stl 35 MB
    Kobold Pose A 54Mm.stl 39 MB
    Kobold Pose B 32Mm 1.Stl (Repaired) 20 MB
    Kobold Pose B 32Mm.stl 24 MB
    Kobold Pose B 54Mm 1.Stl (Repaired) 20 MB
    Kobold Pose B 54Mm.stl 28 MB
    Kobold Pose C 32Mm 2.Stl 35 MB
    Kobold Pose C 32Mm 3.Stl 40 MB
    Kobold Pose C 54Mm 2.Stl 35 MB
    Kobold Pose C 54Mm 3.Stl 45 MB
    Kobold Scurrier Pose A 32Mm 1.Stl 15 MB
    Kobold Scurrier Pose A 32Mm.stl 19 MB
    Kobold Scurrier Pose A 54Mm 1.Stl 15 MB
    Kobold Scurrier Pose A 54Mm.stl 25 MB
    Koboldwarrenentrance A 01 32Mm.stl 33 MB
    Koboldwarrenentrance A 01 54Mm.stl 33 MB