GB British 38-gun Frigates (3-PACK; Amazon, Leda, Lively) (38 guns), 1799-Present & Blender Exporter, AOA-GB-42

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Published 2024-01-29T13:41:53+00:00

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    $8.99 GB British 38-gun Frigates (3-PACK; Amazon, Leda, Lively) (38 guns), 1799-Present & Blender Exporter, AOA-GB-42

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-01-29T13:41:53+00:00

    Henry Turner


    711 objects

    Add Files To Cart $8.99
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    8 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 29/01/2024
    Price $8.99
    More Information
    Object Parts
    1 1200 Amazon Class (Closed Ports).Stl 21 MB
    1 1200 Leda Class (Closed Ports).Stl 21 MB
    1 1200 Lively Class With Belaying Pins (Closed Ports).Stl 20 MB
    1 1200 Lively Class With Gunwhales (Closed Ports).Stl 21 MB
    1 700 Amazon Class (Closed Ports) Fdm.stl 21 MB
    1 700 Amazon Class (Closed Ports).Stl 23 MB
    1 700 Amazon Class (Open Ports).Stl 25 MB
    1 700 Leda Class (Closed Ports) Fdm.stl 21 MB
    1 700 Leda Class (Closed Ports).Stl 22 MB
    1 700 Leda Class (Open Ports) Print Prepped.lyt 349 KB
    1 700 Leda Class (Open Ports).Stl 25 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Belaying Pins (Closed Ports) Fdm.stl 20 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Belaying Pins (Closed Ports).Stl 23 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Belaying Pins (Open Ports).Stl 25 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Gunwhales (Closed Ports) Fdm.stl 21 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Gunwhales (Closed Ports).Stl 23 MB
    1 700 Lively Class With Gunwhales (Open Ports).Stl 25 MB
    38 Gun Frigate Exporter.blend 50 MB