1/2 (half) Inch and 3/4 (three quarter) Inch Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plugs

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Published 2018-05-29T14:12:27+00:00

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    1/2 (half) Inch and 3/4 (three quarter) Inch Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plugs

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2018-05-29T14:12:27+00:00



    11 objects

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    Détail de l'impression
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 29/05/2018
    Durée d’impression 5 - 10 minutes
    Quantité de filament 1.37 grams
    Dimensions 23mm x 23mm x 8mm
    Sans support YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plug Half Inch.stl
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    Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plug Three Quarter Inch.stl
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    Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plug With Hex Thumb Screw Half Inch.stl
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    Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plug With Hex Thumb Screw Three Quarter Inch.stl
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    Threaded Electrical Junction Box Plug.scad