Rover platform

3D File Logo  3D

Published 2018-05-29T12:06:12+00:00

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    Rover platform

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2018-05-29T12:06:12+00:00

    Nahuel Taibo


    4 objetos

    2 Seguidores
    39 0 Add to Collection
    Información técnica
    Date published 29/05/2018
    Tecnología FDM
    Complejidad Fácil
    Más información
    Centertrackframe V0 3.Stl
    3D View
    Cog Drive V0 1.Stl
    3D View
    Cover Blank V3.Stl
    3D View
    3D View
    Innertrackframe Dcmotor V0 3.Stl
    3D View
    Outertrackframe V0 3.Stl
    3D View
    Shell Blank V0 2.Stl
    3D View
    Shell Rpi Camera Support V0 3.Stl
    3D View
    Shell Rpi Camerav0 3.Stl (Repaired)
    3D View
    Shell Switch V0 1.Stl (Repaired)
    3D View
    Spindle Dc Motor V0 3.Stl
    3D View
    Track V0 1.Stl
    3D View