Goddess Artemis

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Published 2018-11-16T11:44:52+00:00

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    Goddess Artemis

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2018-11-16T11:44:52+00:00

    Marchal Geoffrey


    367 objetos

    791 Seguidores
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    Información técnica
    Date published 16/11/2018
    Complejidad Fácil
    Más información
    Titulo Goddess Artemis
    Dimensión 2.00 m x 0.70 m x 0.70 m
    Periodo 20th century
    Medio stone
    Artista Unknown artist
    Lugar Brussels
    Artemis Cleanup Lowpoly Repaired Cut 2 Repaired.stl
    3D View