Fragment of a colossal foot

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Published 2019-04-12T08:53:03+00:00

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    Fragment of a colossal foot

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2019-04-12T08:53:03+00:00

    Scan The World

    @Scan The World

    12,444 objetos

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    Información técnica
    Date published 12/04/2019
    Complejidad Fácil
    Más información
    Titulo Fragment of a colossal foot
    Date 14th Century AD
    Dimensión Colossal
    Adhesión Inv. n. 74
    Medio Stone
    Crédito Girolamo Zulian, 1795
    Artista Unknown artist
    Lugar National Archaeological Museum of Venice
    7066 Musei Civici Di Venezia Foot.stl
    3D View