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Hermes fastening his sandal at the Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Vienna

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Published 2016-05-16T16:57:23+00:00

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    Hermes fastening his sandal at the Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Vienna

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2016-05-16T16:57:23+00:00

    Oliver Laric


    113 objects

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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 16/05/2016
    Benoetigte Zeit 270 - 300 Minuten
    Menge an Filament 39 grams
    Dimensionen 70mm x 46mm x 130mm
    Technologie FDM
    More Information
    Title Hermes fastening his sandal
    Dimension Height 154 cm
    Accession Inv. No. 2798 (Ny Carlsbert Glyptotek)
    Period c. 330 BC
    Medium Plaster
    Artist Roman copy after an original by Lysippos
    Place the Institut für Klassische Archäologie
    Object Parts
    Hermes 1.Stl
    3D View