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Dark Elf Dark Raider Miniatures (32mm, modular)

3D File Logo  3D

Published 2022-01-19T17:10:20+00:00

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    $3.99 Dark Elf Dark Raider Miniatures (32mm, modular)

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2022-01-19T17:10:20+00:00

    Juhász Gergely


    253 objects

    Add Files To Cart $3.99
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    60 3 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    Date published 19/01/2022
    Price $3.99
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Banner.stl 165 MB
    Body V1.Stl
    Body V2.Stl
    Body V3.Stl
    Body V4.Stl
    Dark Raiders 2.Chitubox 4 MB
    Dark Raiders Command Group.chitubox 59 MB
    Dark Raiders.chitubox 7 MB
    Helmet V1.Stl
    Helmet V2.Stl
    Helmet V3.Stl
    Helmet V4.Stl
    Horn.stl 149 MB
    Horse V1.Stl
    Horse V2.Stl
    Horse V3.Stl
    Horse V4.Stl
    Horses.chitubox 111 MB
    Left Arm V1.Stl
    Left Arm V2.Stl
    Left Arm V3.Stl
    Left Arm V4.Stl
    Leg V1.Stl
    Leg V2.Stl (Repaired)
    Leg V3.Stl
    Leg V4.Stl (Repaired)
    Light Xbow Arm V1.Stl (Repaired)
    Light Xbow Arm V2.Stl (Repaired)
    Light Xbow Arm V3.Stl (Repaired)
    Light Xbow Arm V4.Stl (Repaired)
    Light Xbow.stl
    Shield V1.Stl
    Shield V2.Stl
    Shield V3.Stl
    Shield V4.Stl
    Spear Arm V1.Stl
    Spear Arm V2.Stl
    Spear Arm V3.Stl (Repaired)
    Spear Arm V4.Stl