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Churchill AVRE with Bobbin

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Published 2024-02-26T09:43:33+00:00

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    $14.95 Churchill AVRE with Bobbin

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2024-02-26T09:43:33+00:00

    Trenchworx LLC


    113 objects

    Add Files To Cart $14.95
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    92% goes to the Creator
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    Technical Information
    Date published 26/02/2024
    Price $14.95
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Churchill Iii Iv Avre Hull.stl
    Churchill Iii Iv Headlight X2.Stl
    Churchill Iii Iv Hull Mg.stl
    Churchill Iii Iv Left Track.stl
    Churchill Iii Iv Right Track.stl
    Churchill Iii Iv Tow Hook.stl
    Churchill Iv Avre Turret Mg.stl
    Churchill Iv Petard Mortar.stl
    Churchill Iv Turret Hatch 1 X2.Stl
    Churchill Iv Turret Hatch 2 X2.Stl
    Churchill Iv Turret.stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Carpet Roll.stl (Repaired)
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Carpet Roller Left Attachment.stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Carpet Roller Right Attachment.stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Carpet Roller Top Attachment.stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Snorkel 1.Stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Snorkel 2.Stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Snorkel 3.Stl
    Churchill Iv W Bobbin Snorkel 4.Stl