Bastet Goddess of fertility (75&35mm. scale)

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Published 2021-09-06T08:06:55+00:00

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    $4.50 Bastet Goddess of fertility (75&35mm. scale)

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2021-09-06T08:06:55+00:00

    Village's Hope Miniatures


    386 objects

    3,712 跟随者
    Add Files To Cart $4.50
    +VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)
    92% goes to the Creator
    (excluding payment processing fees)
    113 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    发表的日期 06/09/2021
    Price $4.50
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Bastet32 No Panther.stl 114 MB
    Bastet32 S Panther.stl 120 MB
    Bastet32 With Panther.stl 8 MB
    Bastet75 Boolean For Seperate Print.stl (Repaired) 79 MB
    Bastet75 No Panther.stl (Repaired) 114 MB
    Bastet75 S Panther.stl 122 MB
    Bastet75 With Panther.stl (Repaired) 52 MB
    Stlbase Stone Crack.stl 185 MB
    Stlbase Stone1.Stl 190 MB
    Stlbase Stone2.Stl 185 MB
    Stlbase Stoneblock.stl 195 MB
    Support Bastet32 No Panther Extra Support.stl 117 MB
    Support Bastet32 No Panther.stl 76 MB
    Support Bastet32 S Panther.stl 117 MB
    Support Bastet32 With Panther Extra Support.stl 190 MB
    Support Bastet32 With Panther.stl 8 MB
    Support Bastet75 Boolean For Seperate Print.stl 74 MB
    Support Bastet75 No Panther.stl 74 MB
    Support Bastet75 S Panther.stl 115 MB
    Support Bastet75 With Panther.stl 6 MB