Álvaro Nuñez de Lara, Standard Bearer for early 13th century Castilla

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Published 2023-09-05T02:24:07+00:00

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    $6.00 Álvaro Nuñez de Lara, Standard Bearer for early 13th century Castilla

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-09-05T02:24:07+00:00

    Reconquer Designs

    @Reconquer Designs

    250 objects

    2,814 跟随者
    Add Files To Cart $6.00
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    8 0 Add to Collection
    Technical Information
    发表的日期 05/09/2023
    Price $6.00
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Alvaro Nunez De Lara.stl 23 MB
    Barded Castilian Horse 1.Stl 17 MB
    Castilian Royal Standard.stl 2 MB
    De Lara Shield.stl 526 KB
    Lance Head.stl 3 MB
    Lance.stl 3 MB
    Supported Alvaro Nunez De Lara.stl 18 MB
    Supported Barded Castilian Horse 1.Stl 14 MB
    Supported Castilian Royal Standard.stl 391 KB
    Supported De Lara Shield.stl 391 KB
    Supported Lance Head.stl 2 MB
    Supported Lance.stl 2 MB